
贝佛大学(贝佛) 是一所非营利性质的私立学校。学校最早建立于一九六六年,提供本科学位和硕士学位。学校还设有工业技术研究生学位、领导艺术研究生学位、管理艺术研究生学位、商务管理研究生学位、健康护理管理研究生学位等研究生课程。Small class sizes and personal attention to student needs小班教学 关注每一个学生的需求Accredited degrees in desired career fields为学生提供追求理想职业需要的公认的多种学位Campus activities for student interactionRespected faculty with real world experience具有备受尊敬且教学经验丰富的师资力量Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees本科以及研究生学位A department dedicated to the needs of international students on campus学校国际交流合作处是为国际学生专门设立,并且提供国际学生一切便利的部门Bellevue University distinguishes itself with friendly, personalized attention. Our classes are kept small to provide more individual attention in the classroom. Our faculty and staff are helpful and show genuine concern for the progress of each student.贝佛大学因其对学生个人的友好和关切而独树一
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